Painless RCT in Panipat

Root canal treatment is one of the most common procedures performed in a dental clinic. Patients are sometimes apprehensive regarding the root canal procedure due to fear of pain during the treatment. At Crown and Roots dental clinic in Panipat, the primary purpose for carrying out a root canal treatment is to save an infected tooth and preserve the nearby structures.

What is a Root canal Treatment Procedure?

Root canal Treatment is a dental procedure in which infected, injured or dead pulp is removed from the tooth and the tooth is preserved or saved.

When Do I need a Root Canal treatment?

The main reason when a patient might requires a root canal procedure is due to deep cavity which approaches the blood and nerve supply of the teeth and has started becoming symptomatic. Patient experiences acute or chronic pain on the offending side and gets unbearable with time. The pain can occur spontaneously, on consuming hot and cold fluids or while chewing.

What happens in a Root Canal Procedure?

In a root canal procedure, the dentist will anaesthetize the patient in that particular area with a local anaesthetic. In few anxious patients, conscious patients may also be advised. With help of endodontic instruments the infected pulp is removed, followed by thorough disinfection. Final step of root canal is where the canal fillings are done followed by tooth filling in the decayed part through silver amalgam or latest tooth coloured filling. If an abscess is there, the dentist possibly must drain it; this may take a few days, and a further appointment is probably required to finish the procedure. The root canal treated teeth may or may not require a crown.

Will I need anaesthesia for root canal?

Yes, Local anaesthesia is the preferred option while performing root canal procedure. With the help of needle, local anaesthetic solution is placed close to the offending teeth. It take 2 to 10 minutes for anaesthesia to be effective after which the procedure can be started.

Can the Root canal treatment be completely painless?

Root canal treatment can be considered one of the most common dreaded procedures due to lengthy sittings and multiple visit. However due to recent advances in techniques and filling materials, root canal procedure has become relatively painless and can be easily completed in single visit.

How many visits are required for a root canal?

Earlier Root canal treatment would require 3 to 4 visits, however nowadays complete root canal treatment can be completed in a single visit. You can consult with your doctor regarding the number of visits.

Will my tooth pain after the root canal procedure is done?

Usually painkillers are prescribed after the treatment is done for couple of days. Patient experience slight pain or discomfort while chewing. This discomfort usually subsides on its own within a week however in some cases it takes two to three weeks.

Do I require a Crown after Root canal treatment?

Crowns are usually advised after a root canal treatment specifically in the molar teeth. Crown placement would require two additional visits to the dental clinic. They are various types of Crowns available today. You can consult your dentist before deciding which one to go for.

Will Crown and Roots perform Painless RCT in Delhi?

Yes Dr. Aman Kataria is the root canal specialist at Crown and Roots. With almost eight years of experience he makes the procedure absolutely painless. He is of the opinion that every tooth should be given a second chance and extracting the tooth should be the last resort. Do visit the testimonial section to hear what our patients has to say about him. With the help of latest techniques and armamentarium the procedure is ensured completely painless. Book your appointment with Dr. Aman Kataria to know more about the root canal procedure.

What will happen if I avoid a root canal treatment?

An untreated cavity the decay can wear away the teeth and dentin till it, in the end, impairs the foundation and vitality of the teeth. This decay then outcomes in swelling and septicity of the pulp, referred to as an abscess. If treatment is avoided, infection will spread to surrounding structures and may cause complications. If left untreated it will ultimately require extraction of teeth which would further require more invasive procedures to replace the missing teeth such as dental implants or bridge work.

Faq’s Root Canal Treatment

With recent advances in technology and skills Root canal treatment over the years have become relatively painless procedure. Patient cooperation has increased because of that and procedure is completed in a single visit on most occasions.

You can eat any thing from that particular side. Usually doctor advises to avoid chewing hard from the treated side. Once the crown is cemented after the root canal you can resume chewing hard stuff as well.

You can avoid root canal only through preventive check ups once a year. There might be small cavities building up in the teeth which need physical and radiological examination and can be treated.

With all the recent advances, root canal be done in single visit. Earlier 3 to 4 visits were required but in today’s era patient and doctor both prefer single visit RCT.

Zirconia crowns are considered good after root canal treatment considering their strength and colour matching ability. However doctor advise should be followed as every tooth condition is different.

According to literature, RCT offers 85 to 90% success rate. Tooth condition vary so actual success rate depends upon the condition of tooth. Good quality RCT has a average shelf life of 8 to 10 years.

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